Saturday, December 30, 2006

Midlife Crisis Zone...a warning

The Feminine Zone features a Midlife Crisis Zone that looks promising. The layout looks great, although so far there are only three articles and a forum, where women are encouraged to go to share their experiences. Forums don't appeal to me, so I won't go to this one or to the others I find, for that matter. There is also a reference to a forum for men at the Masculine Zone.

One of the three articles on this site is titled "Why Esty Men and Testy Women Will Rule The World", described as:
Many women nowadays are enjoying their 50s & 60s by feeling empowered & successful. Many may have attributed this to women’s lib, but it may be more to do with our hormones. Jed Diamond explains how women can become stronger in midlife whilst men can become more gentle.

The second article, titled "Dealing with the Irritable Male Syndrome by Jed Diamond" has this description:
Jed, an expert on men and their behaviour in relationships with women, coined the phrase ‘Irritable Male Syndrome’. Many men may experience this at some point. Thus the information contained in this article is crucial to the well-being of family relationships. Please read & take note!

The third article, titled "Midlife Crisis" is described this way:
Midlife crisis is rarely discussed, except in a light hearted kind of way. It’s no joke and is the cause of much heartache, angst and misery the world over. Here a Feminine Zone reader talks about her experiences when her husband was overwhelmed by a crisis.

Ut oh. I decided to have a look at one of the articles and met with a "SORRY WE CAN'T GIVE YOU ACCESS TO THIS PAGE" Why? Because I am not registered with them.

Why Register

Quite simply, you will only get access to the really good stuff, if you DO!

In-depth articles by world renowned experts
Information that is not readily available in the public domain
Sexually explicit how-to articles.
Fantastic exclusive erotic fiction

No thank you. I get enough erotic-related spam as it is now.

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