Sunday, January 08, 2006

Advice from Over the Hill (sigh)

Great article from Over the Hill! This one helped me a little.

Here’s a sample:

     “Men and women usually experience the crisis in their late forties to late fifties. It is a natural process (first identified by psychologist, Carl Jung) and it is a normal part of ‘maturing.’ It’s almost like the journey of a fine wine that can only reach its summit after years of fermenting in an oaken barrel. Most men don’t like to talk about their crisis, unlike women who are generally forced to deal with the issue of menopause because of definite physical symptoms. A wide range of feelings among men typically includes increased irritability, boredom, anxiety, depression, insomnia, memory lapses and mood swings.”

There’s reference to a book I plan to look for soon (if I can get past the procrastination), called Listening to Midlife, by Mark Gerzon.

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